Saturday, December 26, 2015

Top 10 games of 2015 - that I played

Top 10 I played, not top 10 released in 2015!

10- Lords of Magic: Special Edition
I fired this game up a moment ago. Someone bought it for me. I decided rather quickly I didn't like it. Yea. It's been that kind of year for me in terms of gaming; I've simply had a hell of a time finding games I enjoy, all year long.

9- Minecraft
I fire this up every once in a while to check what the updates are. I think, if I recall, I thought the most recent upgrades were 'alright'

8- Galactic Civilizations III
The game feels hollow.

7- Europa Universalis IV
Pretty sure I played a few hours this year. I think.

6- Skyrim
Someone I follow did a LP of the game and I decided to play it myself. Technical issues stopped my own AAR, and while I could easily continue, it does involve about 5 mins of work on my part, and I don't think the interest in the AAR means it is worth it.

5- The Sims 3
I played this when I lost my internet, and a bit before and after. I did enjoy it at times.

4- Clicker Heroes
This game would be my #1 if not for one fatal flaw; I managed to lose over a week of progress. When I lost my internet, I played this, and had to disable the cloud saves to get it to properly recognize my process, but this meant when the power went out, I lost my progress. In revenge, I refuse to play the game anymore.

3- Command and Conquer Red Alert 2
Grabbed it for free on Origin, and played it a bit, found it fun.

2- Rimworld
I've played this game off and on, but it was the only game in all of 2015 that I lost time playing, missing things I had otherwise planned to do.

1- Crusader Kings 2
When I lost my internet I decided to learn how to play, not easy when you don't have a wiki to refer to; but I learned how to play. I always used to complain I didn't understand how to play, but now I do due to the efforts I put in.

Friday, November 13, 2015

a political platform

more corruption
less care for the elderly
more crime
less daycare
a worse economy
less education
a more polluted environment
less healthcare
more inflation
fewer jobs

Fallout 4

I've been watching a lets play by a known fallout LPer.

It seems that...

1 - Things are more focused on combat, and less focused on storyline based "world building"

2 - Things seem a bit more "rail-roadey" in such that Fallout 3 was this way, as opposed to New Vegas, which was far more "open"

3 - The way Power Armour is introduced and used, and the way crafting works, indicates a significant shift towards combat and away from RPG elements.

IMO all of these are bad things.


1 - The game is radically different when it comes to physical "world building" and is beyond compare to others, with Skyrim's HearthFires being the only one that could possibly come close

2 - Watching the exploring of the world is extremely entertaining. I may be missing something, due to watching and not playing, but exploration seems top notch, and this is either the best, or tied for the best in Bethesda's games when ranked for exploring the world

3 - Radiation has changed from counting rads, and suddenly giving you X or Y if you pass from 199 to 200, to a system that effectively "caps" your "max HP" for a time.

IMO all of these are great things.

Based on what I've seen so far; if New Vegas is a 10, Fallout 3 is a 6 and Fallout 4 game is a 9.
Compare to Skyrim which would be a 9.75, and Oblivion which would be a 7.5

IMO of course.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


After the 2007 Ontario election, I went for halloween as John Tory.

See Tory was scary, real scary. He was gonna school the something. I don't remember all the details.

Very scary, he was, so scary in fact, he lost the election!!

As such, I'd like to go out in 2015 as another politician, but I'm torn.

Should I go as Scary Stephen Harper, who was so scary, we tossed him
Or should I go as Scary Thomas Mulcair, who was so scary, all the progressives abandoned him

Please give me your feedback on twitter!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wikipedia is always right

And I can prove it:

Lets say something that is wrong is on wikipedia.

I will outline all possibilities and show how it's right.

1 - You do nothing about it. In effect, this is admitting it is right, thus making it right. If you have a problem with it, edit it, or shut the hell up. I won't waste my time on people who want to be preachy, which is exactly what you are if you refuse to back up your claims with action.

2 - You edit it to no longer be "wrong" but to be "right"


Now lets examine what can happen from here.

1 - Nobody challenges it.
If so, congrats! You've proven you are right.

2 - It gets challenged.


Now lets examine what can happen from here.

1 - You win the fight
If so, congrats! You've again, proven you are right.

2 - You lose the right.
If this happens it means that there were enough people out there, with information and data to make an argument that was strong enough to beat you. This means your argument, therefore, must not hold much water. If you truly were "right" one of the above things would have happened, but, it did not, and as such, your argument, to be blunt, but not be worth much of anything.

As such, if you can't get your argument past Wikipedia, I have no time for it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


So, as I knew all along, I was right about Skyview.

I'll be hunting down those who said I was crazy, just to tell them
Fuck you

So if you looked at my projection sand said

"Naw, I can't see the Liberals winning Skyview"
I have one thing to say to you

You are entitled to your own opinion.

And if you looked and said
"No, that will never happen"

You are still entitled to your own opinion.

And if you looked and said

"LOL!!! no way. What are you fucking nuts? Jesus christ. Do you know the first fucking god damn thing about politics? LOL! What a stupid asshole"

Fuck you
I will find you
And I will ensure you know just how wrong you were.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Why I've delayed a ToP update

Why did I delay updating this



I have about 20 people who read the blog. 45 at most.

Facing "Blogposting" in competing for my time is "Complaining on the internet" - always fun - as well as my current job (paperboy) and a potential future job as a computer tech.

I don't blog about politics for no reason. I hope that one day people will come to me for my thoughts. Be that on TV where they look to me for info about ridings and the such, or by the candidates who want to know how to win an election.

I also like to be entertained, we all do. I like playing computer games and socializing.

When balancing all those out, I see I don't have the time to do all of those today properly. Thus, one of them must fall by the wayside.

And with only 20 readers, it is the blog that falls by the wayside.

If it were 200 readers, I might have re-considred. 2000 and I'd have skipped some gaming despite the joy it brings, 20000 and I might also have told the people at the forum I moderate to shove it. 200000 and I'd have told my current job to shove it. 2000000 and I'd would not need this new job as I'd be applying for work with the CBC and the Leaders.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why I'm voting Liberal

I do not vote based on promises. They are always broken. Each party is "known" to those who know politics. What they say they will do is often different from what they really will do. Most of what the Tories have done (and not promises) or promised but not done is "typical Tory behaviour". The leader is important in that he (or she) can stop certain things (Harper has done so with social issues, because all the polls tell him that if they act on abortion, they will lose voters) or that the leader can drive towards certain goals.

As such I know the NDP will spend more than they claim, will raise taxes farther than they claim, and will do more to help the needy. The NDP's main goal is to make a Canada where the poor class can become lower middle class.

I know the Liberals will spend themselves happy and try to cut taxes at the same time, they are the most likely to give us a deficit, and this is the first time they've been honest about that. They want a Canada where the lower middle class can become the upper middle class.

The Tories will cut spending and taxes when they can, and, if they can get away with, reverse social progress. So far the polls have not let them do this. Their dream Canada is one where people who are upper middle class can become rich.

In order to "adjust" the classes, you need to remove barriers. Doing so costs money, either in spending, tax cuts, or both. In order to make up for this, parties throw up barriers in one of the other paths. The Tories for example have done quite a bit to ensure the poor can not become lower middle class. At this time, the path from making $45,000 a year to $250,000 a year is easier than it's ever been, and the path from $13,000 a year to $35,000 a year has never been more difficult. The Canada I'd create is where going from $13,000 a year to $95,000 a year is easy, but getting much beyond that is a hell of a struggle.

There is, however, more than economics. Justice issues, security issues, foreign affairs.

The Tories favour a "harsh" approach. They want (to simplify) a cop on every corner with the power to search everyone, and would like to tell other world leaders they disagree with to %^&* off.

The Liberals want a "gentle" approach. While they generally support the cops, they'd much rather see them focus on specifics, and with other world leaders, if there is a profit to be made by business, the key word is hush.

The NDP want a "loud" approach. Cops should spend lest time acting and more time getting "involved in the community" (Ie talking to them) while other world leaders will be lectured.

In this field, my Canada is a Tory Canada. The NDP approach is one I find annoying at the very least.

So what of the current leaders, and current situation? What would they do over the next 4 years?

Harper would likely keep the surplus/deficit very very small. He'll make sure to make enough tax cuts every year so that the next year's surplus is tiny, so tiny that he will need to justify cuts to programs. He would likely try to make our country more like the US when it comes to civil rights related to terrorism, and would continue to hold back his caucus on social issues. Despite that I don't see him really going after the needy in any significant way. Harper would be the best friend of money. Not "people" money, mostly corporate money and investment.

Trudeau would spend the first 18 months getting a handle on things. This is not unusual, Chretien did the same thing, and Chretien was not "inexperienced". After that we would see him try to solidify our relationship with China, as well as push programs for the middle classes, and those with children. I could see many deficits as he is also liable to keep taxes low, and for those making about $50,000, it's likely they'd have a lower tax rate after 4 years of Trudeau than 4 years of Harper. I can also see Trudeau taking the first, real steps to healing our relations with first nations people.

Mulcair will be fighting his caucus the entire way. The NDP would likely rake in some truly massive surpluses, the sort that would make Chretien and Martin jealous. I could also see increased spending on programs to help those in the working class, and a re-adjustment of the focus of government away from the middle class and more towards a mosaic of targeted issues. On the world stage I expect to see a "quieter" Canada. Less stuff that you end up reading in the news. I also, ironically, expect a far more active Canada. The reason you won't read about it is it will involve a lot of work with "loser countries".

In terms of self interest, the NDP is my clear option here. However, in terms of who would increase Canada's GDP the most, the Tories are the clear answer. However, in terms of people, the Liberals would do the most to increase the total income of all Canadians when combined.

The problem is this is NOT all there is.

The Greens exist. They want to do things like make more free votes in Parliament, and make stronger ethical laws. They want to restore logic to decision making. They also want to help natives. Biggest of all is Green support for a basic income, something I support. They even want lower, or no, tuition for university. However, their environmental policies are things I can not agree with. I wish there was a "Green Party" that was not so "Green".

Thus, I should vote Green, right?


My riding will be won by the Tories.
Even if the NDP wins a majority, the Tories win it. The Greens could win it with a majority, but they are sitting on 1, maybe 2, possibly 3 seats, not the 170 or so they need for a government. The Liberals could win it if they were around 200 seats, but currently, they are about half that.

As such, it does not matter to the outcome how I vote. Thus, other things matter.

The Tories and NDP are far too ideological. If, for example, you could prove without a doubt to the NDP that our public healthcare system is a bad idea, they'd stick with it, because their ideology tells them that it should work. The Tories are the same on many issues. As such, I can not "trust" either party.

The Liberals are pragmatic, but "too" pragmatic in that they'd sacrifice the 10% of poorest Canadians, along with the 10% of richest, if it meant getting the votes of the 80% of the remainder.

The Greens can't win, and even if they could, they are full of people who don't expect to win and would almost certainly $%^& up everything they touched, not to mention they are full of ideologues.

So, I don't vote then?


See, I don't do that "secret ballot" thing. I tell everyone how I vote.
As such, it is important to me how my vote impacts the way people see me.
As such, that, is the #1 most important thing, this election, in deciding how I will vote, and as such, I've made my decision.

I will go to the polls with all the ID I have. If it's not enough to meet the new ID requirements for voting, I will not obtain other ID (asking the landlord for a letter proving I live there, for example) I will be happy to be turned away as it means I can say for the next 4 years that I was not allowed to vote because I was too poor to afford one of those "Ontario ID" cards that people can get if they don't have a drivers lic that has all their information.
"Too poor to vote". And it will be true.

If I am allowed to vote - as I should be (I've read the legislation) - I will vote.
See, I know people who are Liberal (along with people who are Tory, NDP, and Green) and overwhelmingly the people who are Liberal are people who I want to be around. People who support the other parties annoy me to hell with their sanctimonious screeching.

And thus, my answer is

I plan to vote Liberal.

Monday, September 28, 2015

An open letter to some female reporters

Have you heard someone say "Fuck her right in the pussy"

If so I have news for you.

Educate yourself.
And more importantly, get over yourself. You are not her.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I used to know a guy that, instead of saying "Licence" for just one of them, would say "Licen"

Monday, September 21, 2015

Personal blog again

Just a reminder, to those who have come here for politics


This is my personal blog! I want to be able to say fuck again.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

You know what...

First off, I admit, I have some warm sake in me, but, the following is thus only more true.

you know what?
I really don't think the election result will matter all *THAT* much.
They'd all govern differently. They would create a "different" Canada...
I'm selfish

I need to think what matters to me
to ME and people like me.

Who is "me"?

I am someone who lives on around $14K a year
And to be blunt
Totally blunt
I really don't think that Harper will harm me. He's not until now, so why start?
I really don't think either Trudeau or Mulcair will help me.
Why would they? The votes of "me" and those like me, will not matter.
In addition, they've both basically said - though their other commitments - they flat out won't help people like me.

So you know what?
Who wins this election, really does not matter to me, to me on a selfish level.


As such
I've decided how I'm going to vote.

You see, I've moved in the last few months.
And I am not registered, Federally, in my new riding.

Yes, I did vote provincially, in a by-election, a week or two ago, but
I've not done anything to register Federally.

My plan is thus

On election day
Not before
On election day

I will show up at the poll with my ID (health card and ODSP 'pay' stub)
And if they turn me away?


That will be my protest against the new voter ID system.
I want to be able to say I was turned away
I've done nothing wrong
And yet? I was turned away
Turned away because I was too poor to afford any "better" ID

So why all that stuff earlier?
What if my vote is the 1 vote that matters
What if it is the 1 vote that decides if this riding goes Tory, NDP, or Liberal?
And what if this is the 1 riding that decides if the winner is the CPC, LPC, or NDP
Or what if this is the 1 riding that determines if the CPC, LPC, or NDP has a majority?

Well, you know what?
It dont matter.

Call me selfish, but, I will be voting for me, for my interests, and as such, I will not take any extra steps (like registering in advance, which I know I can do) to avoid being turned away.

And if I'm not turned away?

I vote Liberal. Simple as that.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

a few things

I suppose I should have seen it, given Labour Day passed, but suddenly, everyone wants to know what's going on with my projections.

So a few basic things

1 - Who are you?
I'm Teddy.

2 - Who is that?
See this?
That person who did best in riding by riding projections in 2011?
That's me.

3 - Oh, so your good then?
At numbers yes, not at words. Don't expect to be reading articles written by me in the CBC. I'm a numbers person and a map person.

4 - So what can you tell me about the election?
Uh. Nothing, I'm a numbers person and a maps person. If you are a visual person like me, I can tell you a lot, but if you are a word person, you may not appreciate what I do.

5 - So what's this all about?
This blog? It's my personal blog. Look through it if you want to find swearing and inappropriate conversation topics.

6 - Whoa, wait, what?
No worries. I'm working on a new blog. I had planned to continue as co-blogger of but that was shockingly (to me anyway, still not over the shock) shut down during the 2 months I was without internet thanks to incompetence on the part of Bell and/or TekSavvy and/or my Landlord.

7 - So you are unready?
To say the least. I was supposed to have a fully ready website on Blunt Objects. In addition, I was not expecting to go for 2 months without the internet, as, I'd planned to prepare during that time, and, given that the call of the election was during my offline period, I have had a *lot* of catching up to do.

8 - So what are you going to do about it?
I'm starting a new website. It's not ready just yet, but it might be tomorrow, or, maybe not until the 21st of September, but somewhere in between, it will be.

WHEN it is, you will be able to see riding by riding numbers. Until then, you'll just have to do with the maps. Sorry, but I need to spend my limited time doing a number of many other things.

Go back to that link in question 2.
Note the last placed entry? They don't do math based projections.

I do

308 does

I beat 308. I was better than him. By far.
And yet my website went under due to lack of interest.
And he got hired by the CBC.

As I said. I am not a "words" person, I am a "numbers" person.

People, it seems, care less about accurate numbers and more about bullshit explanations that may or may not be true.
And yes, I'm still raw about it. You'd think it'd matter being right, but apparently, not.

Regardless, I'll start working on the new blog. Expect a map update in the next day or two.

New Blog coming

For the record, I am working on creating a new blog. It will be up and running, at the latest, by September 21st.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Updated Projection

Raw numbers

N - 131
L - 103
C - 102
G - 3

I don't recall ever having the Tories in third before.

Golden rule of poll averaging

Never, ever, use less than 5 polls.

If 4 polls have been taken this week, and the 5th is from 2 years ago, then you do not have enough data for a poll average.


Friday, September 4, 2015


Here's a list for myself of the stuff I missed due to not having internet, and due to blip shutting down with so little warning that now I can't watch these episodes anywhere.

TNG: Ethics

Red Dwarf: Fathers and Suns

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire, Part 6

DS9: Hippocratic Oath

Fringe: What Lies Below

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire Part 7

VOY: Demon

In the Mouth of Madness

Full Moon Ep 11 (The Dangerous Lens)

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire Part 8

VOY: Course Oblivion

Bionicle 3

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire

TNG: Frame of Mind

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire Part 10

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire Part 11

DS9: Inquisition

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire Part 12

Rise and Fall of the Comic Empire Part 13

TNG: The Chase

Atlantis: Letters From Pegasus

I don't suppose anyone knows anywhere else where I can find these?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Vote Splitting


The new Montreal poll

My ElectoMatic has the following results, right now, for Montreal - from before this poll.

Lib - 38.4%
NDP - 35.3%
CPC - 10.4%

It does not exactly match up with the poll, but it is rather close

Especially how people are freaking out about how this changes everything.

It does not
Or, perhaps to be more accurate:
For those who are not as smart as me when it comes to making projections, maybe it changes everything, but for those who know what the hell they are doing, it is meaningless.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Maximums and Minimums

The Tories are very unlikely to win a majority.

The reasons for voting Tory or voting Not-Tory are just too stable.
Unless there is a radical shift - and there is no sign such a thing is possible, nor has any such radical shift happened since 1988 - The CPC can not win a majority.

In 1988 the "Ballot Question" moved from an amorphous blob of multiple questions, including "Free Trade?" "Re-Elect the Incumbent?" and "Give the NDP a Chance?" to "Free Trade??" "Free Trade?!" and "Free Trade!!"

Without such a radical shift, the currently dominant ballot question - "Time for Change?" has no way for the Tories to recover.

It is possible for them to rebound, to take perhaps 166 seats, which is what they took last time, but since then, we've added so many new seats, that 166 is a minority, not a majority. 

The NDP, and yes, even the Liberals, have a much better chance at a majority. 

There are just too many people who want the CPC defeated that even if the NDP and Liberals split the vote, the CPC does not have enough voters left for a majority.

There is, however, one way they can win a majority without changing the ballot question; Trust. Canadians need to be convinced they can not trust the Liberals or the NDP.

The problem is that despite all the attempts by Harper to make Canadians think just that, Canadians are not buying it. 

The only way Canadians will become convinced that Trudeau and/or Mulcair can not be trusted, is if Trudeau and/or Mulcair make a mistake.

There is no sign of that happening.
In fact, Trudeau has surpassed expectations, and Mulcair has managed to not fall into the 'angryman' trap the Iggy did.

On a personal level, I think the messaging coming out of the Liberal Party in the past half week has been brilliant. Whereas I was convinced I would vote NDP this election, I am just hearing so many positive things from the party that I may actually vote Liberal. 

At this time, I place the Maximums and Minimums for each of the 3 main parties at around the following levels:

CPC - 180-90
NDP - 200-65
LIB - 195-55

The smaller parties also have their own unique limits.

There is, at this time, really no "high profile" Independent who can win his riding (all are male)

Inky Mark in Dauphin, James Ford in Sherwood Park, Scott Andrews in Avalon - all have a small chance of winning, but all are nearly certainly doomed to failure. Brent Rathgeber is the only one who *might* squeak out a victory, but that is terribly unlikely. Therefore:

IND - 1-0

F&D do have a few quality people running. Their best chance is the leader's seat. At this time I see him placing a close second to the winning Liberal, but he could manage a victory. Also a possible win is in Montcalm where the incumbent former NDP MP is running for them. The other incumbent F&D MP is changing ridings and has no hope of winning his new riding. Frankly, chances are none of them win.

F&D - 2-0

The Greens though have perhaps the most interesting possibilities. First is an NDP MP who, up until the writ was dropped, was still an NDP MP. He is running for the Greens in Vimy. His chances of winning are extremely low. The party also has a strong candidate in Guelph, but with the Liberals and NDP doing so well, they might not win. The final seat east of BC that could be won by the Greens is that of Bruce Hyer, MP, but even this is going to be very difficult.

Within BC the Green support is extremely concentrated on the southern half of Vancouver Island. While they could win some Nanaimo area ridings, and even beyond that, the chance of winning anything except the southern three ridings on Vancouver Island are simply low.

May, however, is a lock. I can not see any way, at all, anyone can defeat her. She'll likely win with over 50% of the vote, if not over 65%.

Victoria should go Green at these polling levels, while Esquimalt is just not quite strong enough to be won by the Greens when the NDP is nearing 40% provincewide. 

GRN - 8-1

The seats the Greens could win are shown in the map:

This new maximum, of 8, is far below the 63 I originally projected as a Green maximum months ago. There are 3 key reasons for this

1 - Harper might lose the election. As such anti-Harper voters "need" to vote for a party that "can win" and don't have the "luxury" to vote for the Greens.

2 - After wining Alberta, the NDP just is not as "scary" as it once was, and as such, there is little reason to vote for the actually less "scary" Green Party.

3 - Trudeau is not the fuckup we all thought he would be, and as such, there is no reason for disgruntled Liberals to cast a "protest" vote - against the Liberal Party.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

so I want to ask out this hot girl

This is a forum post I made just moments ago:



There's this really hot girl at the LCBO, the booze store. They sell beer, sure, but they focus on non-beer boozes and stuff, as we actually have a "beer store" here in Ontario.

She's like, uh, like super hot. Like um. super hot.

So... I wanna ask her out, but, see, I'm sort of a coward. and uh. Well considering that she is way out of my league, I don't expected a positive response.

There are a few issues.

First, as someone with Autism/Aspergers, I have difficulty in judging the age of people (see section on criminal offending)
I am fairly convinced; given this girl works at the booze store, that she is at least 19, but am also quite certain she is younger than me, likely between 20-25, whereas I am 30.

Secondly, as a coward, I might need an internet guide to asking a girl out.
I've actually never asked a girl out before. I've had some sort of relation - be it as a **** buddy, as a potential match, or as a date, to 5 different girls. In each case, the girls asked me out, not the other way around.

Lastly, and something I have considered
I am an alcoholic. It might actually be a "good" thing to have a reason to avoid to booze store, even if only to avoid this girl when she invariably says no.


The links, if they don't show up, are as follows.

Beer store links to the wikipedia page on the beer store
Super Hot links to the planck temp, the hottest possible temp in the universe
my league links to
Age of people to
And internet guide to


I find this girl like. super hot

how to say

If I had to judge based on all the females I've ever seen, anywhere near my age, throughout ,my entire life, 
If this particular girl is not "the hottest girl I've ever seen"
she is certainly in the running for said title. 

Feedback welcome!

Chief O'Brien's rank

So, what rank is chief O'Brien?

Well seems he's a nothing. Lower than an Ensign, some sort of Jr. Grade Ensign, or even lower.

So why then, do we see him wearing Lieutenant pips?

This question has long puzzled many Trekkies.

Frankly, the answer is simple

Let me ask another question

"Can a Lieutenant command a "Lieutenant Commander?"

Yes they can.

We've seen this. Remember when Geordi was in command back when he was in red, and that asshole Engineer came to the bridge?

So what does this have to do with anything?

Well, remember that Borg episode where Riker was given a "field promotion" to Captain?

He wore the pips

Then next episode, he was back as a Commander. Almost as if that promotion was not permanent.

And thus, I suspect, our answer.

Chief O'Brien always was a nobody.
For the command structure of the Transporter department to function properly on the enterprise, O'Brien needed to be a Lieutenant
And as such, was given that rank temporarily.

Monday, August 24, 2015


A lot can change in 54 days apparently, but I am back online.

a few things

1 - This is my personal blog. Not as-in, this is my internet blog where I talk about whatever I want on the internet... no, this is my personal blog, sort of a diary. I'll say fuck every so often and break into a good meow meow meow meow or bluntly and coldly tell you that cat is now dead, which it is.

Until I get a "real" blog up and running, this is where I will toss and or shove my projections. I may also just put up maps with no explanation or words at all beyond "maps"

Based on changes expected between now an e-day

Sunday, June 7, 2015

What does the cat say

I decided to keep a record of everything my cat says. Here it is:

Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow achoo meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow yawn meow meow meow yawn meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow m eow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow yawn yawn meow meow yawn meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow 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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

TRC - Residential Schools

There are 95 "calls to action" presented in the report. Find the report and read it.

I've decided to list the ones that I would back if I were Prime Minister

7, 9, 17-18, 25, 29, 31, 39, 49 (section I only), 51, 57, 65-83 inclusive, 91, 93, with emphasis on #80 as being a really good idea.

Some of the other proposals are insane.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


So, a while back, I read a quack theory about how earthquakes move.

Supposedly, they move along the cracks in the earth, hitting one place after the next.

So, from Nepal it next hit up in Japan, and so forth, and now last night there were quakes in Oregon.

So does this quack theory have any merit?

Well if there is a sizable quake - not huge but not tiny - in California, sometime between June 2nd and June 13th

Then maybe there is something to this theory.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Line of successorship to the Dean of the House.

* = not running in 2015

Louis Plamondon
Lawrence MacAulay
Wayne Easter
Ralph Goodale
Diane Ablonczy*
Hedy Fry
Garry Breitkreuz*
Leon Benoit
Dick Harris*
Mauril Belanger
Stephane Dion
Gerry Byrne*

This is all the MPs who have been sitting without break since before the 1997 election.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

even more!

District 8, from each federal riding:


60 PC
39 NDP
85 LIB
14 GRN


212 PC
109 NDP
686 LIB
89 GRN


554 PC
401 NDP
483 LIB
134 GRN


District 20 votes.

From Malpeque:

169 NDP
268 Green
1542 PC
726 Liberal

From Egmont:

95 NDP
106 Green
442 PC
307 Liberal

PEI shit

District 8, Tracadie

The following polls are in Malpeque Federal riding:

The following in Cardigan:
9, 10, 11

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

District 9, York

11 & 12

Rest: Malpeque

District 15, west royalty

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, in Malpeque

Rest: Charlottetown

District 19, Borden

District 1 in Egmont

Rest: Malpeque

District 20, Kensington

Districts in Egmont: 1, 2, 3

Rest in Malpeque

Friday, May 1, 2015


posted this recently to a forum:

AKA the "oh so you want a SECRET ballot" thread.

How have you voted - in elections - and why.

2003 - PEI - Provincial 
I voted NDP. The social-democratic and pro-labour party. I had actually and seriously debated voting PC, the right-wing party. Why? Well their candidate had been the MLA (representative) for a while and seemed quite good at his job. So I seriously debated voting for him. 

However, I eventually decided the NDP candidate was, literally, the only person in the world I could truly trust - as, he was me - and thus I voted for myself in my first election election.

2004 - Summerside, PE - Municipal
I did not vote. The only time I've ever been able to, and did not. If I had voted, I'd have voted to re-elect the mayor (who won re-election) but I had no idea about any of the local candidates, etc, and so did not vote. I do not "regret" the decision to not vote, based on my lack of information, but do regret I did not look in to the election more.

2004 - Federal - Canada
I voted for the Liberal Party to keep Stephen Harper, who was scary, out of office. I also wanted to support Paul Martin, the Liberal leader, who I quite liked. I voted for an idiot in the Beausejour riding - I know this because I met him and was very unimpressed.

2006 - Federal - Canada
I voted for the Conservatives and Stephen Harper. I wanted Senate Reform and realized that Harper was not so scary after all. Sure I disagreed with him on gay rights and abortions, but as a male, I can't have the latter, and as a hetero, I am unaffected by the former. The most selfish vote I ever cast. 

2006 - Toronto, ON - Municipal
For city council I voted for myself. Was not a difficult choice. The other options were a radical leftist, a champagne socialist, and some businessman. For Mayor I voted for the one who bad the best chance to beat the leftist incumbent, but she lost by a wide margin. For Schoolboard I ended up voting for the incumbent. 

2007 - Ontario - Provincial
I voted advance for the PC Party. I liked their leader, John Tory. After I voted, Tory managed to totally screw up the election, and I still resent him - to this day - for that. I regret casting this ballot, and if I could go back and change one ballot I've ever cast, it was this one.

2008 - Federal - Canada
I voted for the Green Party. Did not care for the Liberal leader (Dion) who I despised, and felt tricked by Harper who did jack (censored) about the Senate. I certainly wasn't about to vote for the socialist NDP.

2010 - Toronto, ON - Municipal
I had debated voting for Rob Ford, thinking there is no way council will let him get this way, and we need someone to clean up the mess the leftist incumbent had left, but ended up voting for George Smitherman, the moderate candidate, who lost to Ford, who ended up with council's support for a year or two.

2011 - Federal - Canada
I voted Green again, for similar reasons. The new Liberal leader, Ignatieff, was unimpressive, and I still had some hate for Harper for doing nothing about the senate, and wasn't about to go socialist.

2011 - Ontario - Provincial
The NDP won me over. Their arguments for better transit were key, and I voted NDP. I quite liked their leader, and hoped she would win. She did not, we ended up with a minority. 

2014 - Ontario - Provincial
I got to meet the Liberal premier, Kathleen Wynne, and told her to campaign on Transit, and that if she did, she could win a majority.

She then developed an 'alright' transit platform (I'd have done more) and campaigned partly on it. 

I thus voted for the Liberals, seemed only right and logical, and still does.

2014 - Toronto, ON - Municipal
John Tory was running and I still had resentment against him. His main opponents were Doug Ford, brother of Rob, who was far more abrasive and had taken Anti-Autism stances in the past, and Olivia Chow, a socialist leftist with leftist socialist stances. I thus voted for Morgan Baskin, a 18 year old, to encourage her (who seemed rather intelligent) to stick with politics. I also voted for a guy I met who was running for council, and someone for school board whose website was most sane. All were heavily defeated. I regret nothing about the votes I cast.

And that's who I've voted for, to date. 

In the next Provincial election, I may vote Green. While the Liberals are doing 'alright' they are not doing quite as good as I'd like.

In the next Federal election, I'm likely to vote Liberal; I'm a card-carrying member, but still do have some reservations, but, still support them on the whole.

If I do so, the Green Party of Canada will remain the only party I've ever voted for more than once.