Monday, May 15, 2017


Since I started taking ritalin, I've only ever been permabanned from 3 places on the internet.

In the first, I was never told exactly why, but there were ways to tell by reading between the lines.

In short, my jokes were not clearly enough jokes and people thus thought I was being serious when I'd say things like "you are going to get fired for that!" after a moderator would misclick a command.

In general, I was 'too annoying' and despite any official reason, this unofficial reason makes sense as I was new to ritalin and thus really learning how to function socially as a mature adult for the first time in my life as the ritalin made that finally possible.

While the ban was from the chat room; if you are banned from one very important part of the community, you are banned from the entire community, so, I was also banned from the forums.

In the second we have a much more interesting scenario.

There was this moderator that we will call Joe. Joe was an asshole (self-admitted at that)

One day, Joe posted a cool pic. I never did find out of what as this all happened while I was sleeping. Either way, a 15 year old kid we will call Kyle decided to put that pic in his forum signature.

Joe, however, had uploaded said pic to an image service, photobucket I think, so he simply edited the picture to be homosexual pornography, as any reasonable person would do.

(that is not a joke)

Then he banned kyle for having gay porn in his sig, again, as any reasonable person would do.

(also not a joke)

Reminder: Kyle was 15, and thus, underage. Joe edited pornography into a child's forum profile.

This is where it gets fun: I'd run out of ritalin and the pharmacy was closed. Eventually in the chat room, we got to talking about this, and I mentioned that the fact nobody else seems outraged at this seemed very very silly indeed

and then I referenced this:
starts at 2:10
ends at 2:27

by saying, about Joe, that I said that I should kill him, and that despite being covered in blood, I would feel clean, because I would be clean.

Clearly this was not the thing to say, nor is it something I would have said if I had been on ritalin.

Needless to say I was banned.

And again, while the ban was from the chat room; if you are banned from one very important part of the community, you are banned from the entire community, so, I was also banned from the forums.

The last happened yesterday.

See I'd just found a community I first joined 15 years ago, and decided to hop back in. They had, in the interim while I'd been away, added a chat room. 

In chat, there was a dispute. As should be clear from above, I am no stranger to chat rooms. The level of dispute in this chat room was quite minor compared to what I've seen before. As a result of this dispute, which apparently had been ongoing, one of the mods decided to quit chat, saying, quote, "I no longer have any desire to police the chats our players use"

While I do give them bonus points for not literally saying "I'm not a babysitter" the implication is the same.

Bluntly; yes, yes you are. Being an "internet moderator" is not just some badge you can wear to let everyone know you have a big dick, it is signalling your commitment to being a community leader, and thus, if you want to use the word, "babysitting" and "policing" that community, in all of it's various forms, including chat.

As a result of the dispute, the moderators, in their infinite wisdom, decided to abuse their chat software. You see this particular chat room ran on quite shitty software that requires an invite to join the chat room. They decided that rather than have the balls to use real terminology, they were going to "not invite" people into the room if they left after being harassed. 

That's right, they decided to permaban people who decided to leave if they are being harassed.

Rather than waste time explaining to them how moronic this is, I decided to "officially" leave the chat to show them how very very silly it is to permaban someone with no reason.

They decided that silly was what they wanted, and thus, I am now permabanned.

While they've decided that a chat ban is not the same as a forum ban, as I've said before, while the ban was from the chat room; if you are banned from one very important part of the community, you are banned from the entire community. I consider this equal to being also banned from the forums.

And there you have it. The 3 reasons I've had 3 permabans in the past 7 or so years

Inappropriate jokes and being too much of a dick

Threatening to kill a moderator and wash up in his blood

Leaving a chat room

I never thought I'd ever have a story to beat the 2nd one, I was wrong

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