Thursday, March 3, 2016

I was right even though people said I was wrong

<Dabir> the leak got DMCA'd I see
<Erik> heh
<TheNewTeddy> really?
<Nitrous> .tell hufflaw
* @Spacebee bips and bobs happily!
<Dabir> must have been within the last 15 minutes or so
<TheNewTeddy> there are still other places to download the code though? surly it's been mirrored widely by now
* Spacemarine9 (~spacemari@1388D0DC.D4827AA5.40E6AAA1.IP) has joined #goonstation
<Erik> n i c e.
* phart ( has joined #goonstation
<TheNewTeddy> I'm concerned this could look very bad on us if it's not been done right
<Fogie> goonstation staff member TheNewTeddy
<Erik> ^
<TheNewTeddy> goonstation community member thenewteddy
<Fogie> you keep changing your declaration of how many coders are going to quit
<Supernorn> digital millenium rights act extraordinaire TheNewTeddy
<TheNewTeddy> huh
<Erik> hahahaha
<TheNewTeddy> I'm a politician. I've run for office before
<TheNewTeddy> I know that what it looks like is how people think it is
<@SpyGuy> No, you're a lazyman.
<@SpyGuy> You've run from office.
<Erik> LOL
<phart> well played spyguy
<TheNewTeddy> if the goonstation admins have said they'd release the code, and that official code has vanished under some excuse of a licence something, and, then they DMCA the leak, and get rid of all leak sources online, it will look like the admins lied about just about everything
<TheNewTeddy> perception trumps reality
<Fogie> otoh a fart coming from a butt
<Supernorn> admins lied, codebases died
<Supernorn> mods knew
<Erik> Supernorn the super litigious.
<Supernorn> my hourly rate is $400
<&Wire> goonstation dead 2016 rip
<@SpyGuy> <TheNewTeddy> if the goonstation admins have said they'd release the code, and that official code has vanished under some excuse of a licence something, and, then they DMCA the leak, and get rid of all leak sources online, it will look like the admins lied about just about everything
<phart> isnt ss13 literally 75% stealing code history-wise
<@SpyGuy> I have carefully analyzed this sentiment and I have reaced a conclusion.
<@SpyGuy> Reached, even.
<&Haine> not really phart
<Fogie> all those reddit and 4chan fans suddenly will turn on goonstation!!
<@SpyGuy> My conclusion is (  )  )=3


<~wonk> Urs
<~wonk> the dmca request went out before we decidd to release
<Urs> Oh
<~wonk> so it happened but after we said we wouldnt
<~wonk> so it looks bad

<TheNewTeddy> also I said this would look very bad - and everyone in IRC made fun of me. just wanted to point out I was right.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The problems with destiny

1 - Everything is cramped. It feels cramped. The map seems to have been designed to make everything feel cramped, when in reality, the map is very large.

2 - The hallways and other public access all feel extremely closed in. It is shaped like a Y or a T so there is only way one way to go, unlike the "round" shapes of other traditional maps, including the "big shuttle" that was just posted, and Butterfly, and Cog1, and Cog2, and Donut, etc etc etc.

3 - The map uses the old tileset. Okay maybe a lame complaint, but still, it helps make everything feel cramped.

4 - Despite feeling so cramped, the map is fucking huge. The long spire at the top takes forever to walk, and contains so little, but, things you sometimes want and need. Not long as you forced to walk, but you are forced to do so in the same puny little hallway.

And the worst

5 - The map was made by Haine. Haine is very nice. Why couldn't the map have been made by an asshole? Seriously. This would be so much easier if some asshat made the map, but fuck, no, it has to be someone who is actually nice.