WARNING: do not stray out of this post unless you are alright with stumbling across potentially NSFW language and content.
My rating, on a 1-20 scale, of how bi-lingual the candidates are.
20 Chris Alexander
19 Maxime Bernier
18 Steven Blaney
18 Rick Peterson
16 Pierre Lemieux
15 Andrew Scheer
15 Michael Chong
14 Erin O'Toole
13 Andrew Saxton
11 Lisa Raitt
8 Kellie Leitch
6 Brad Trost
2 Deepak Obhrai
Bernier and Blaney, who are francophones, were judged on their English, while the remainder come from the general trends on how francophones rate their French.
I'd personally say that a 15 is needed to really community with Quebecois as Prime Minister, but that if you are at 14, or 13, you can always boost yourself a point or two by learning more French. By the time you get to 9 or less, you are not bi-lingual, and if you are below 3, you should consider not even trying less you embarrass yourself while trying to make your peas in the other language.
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